Jerome Sorolla Palisses-save

Visites : 1784

Buste de Femme argent

Buste de Femme argent

JEROME SOROLLA MY WORKS Everything began with the experience of tearing apart, then isolation and finally gentleness. Giving free rein to my imagination and letting my own weaknesses and those of the surrounding world filter through, I stored up the inspiration which I needed to begin to create. My technique is original, and came to me before, during and after having felt such frailty. I work with resin at its different stages, sculpting and painting it on my canvases. Creating the unexpect

2 coups de cœur |

2 coups de technique

Artiste : Jerome Sorolla Palisses-save | Voir ses œuvres | sculpture | Visite : 266 | Prix : 500 €

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