Face to face against Raging Bull

Face to face against Raging Bull

This painting shows an enraged buffalo staring us of its demonic red eyes. Hundreds of small brush strokes form the breastplate of multicolored creature horrifying. The detailed composition of the texture painting we reverse so there is light. If the paint has run, it does look like a chicken with two heads which opens its wings to fly to the depths of the infernal worlds. Dieses Gemälde zeigt ein wütender Büffel starrte uns an seinen dämonischen roten Augen. Hunderte von kleinen Pinselstrich

2 coups de cœur |

2 coups de technique

Artiste : vangosh | Voir ses œuvres | peinture | Visite : 574 | Prix : 1 500 000.00 $ US €

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