"Minnie with a Pearl Earring" In a world of classic Pop Art, "Minnie with a Pearl Earring" stands as a timeless masterpiece, a reimagining of Johannes Vermeer's iconic portrait with a touch of Disney magic. Minnie is standing poised against a rich brown background, reminiscent of Vermeer's Dutch interiors. Minnie's gaze, as captivating as the enigmatic woman in Vermeer's original, holds a hint of mischief and playfulness, perfectly capturing the essence of the timeless Disney character
Artiste : Cristina Pop Art | Voir ses œuvres | peinture | Visite : 99 | Prix : 600 €
"Toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'artiste est interdite"
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sympa Minnie à la perle ! :)