
Visites : 7864

Artiste : poilvetcorentine

Biographie de l'artiste :

Welcome to the virtual gallery of Corentine Poilvet, a French young painter and writer who works in both French and english and focuse mostly on oil paintings and poetry. She is mostly inspired by the Surrealist movement, abstract expressionism and latin-american 1960's organic compositions and combines it all that into cathartic paintings made in one shot in about two hours. She affectionates the old forgotten art of portrait and remains really close to the Beat generation esthetic when it comes to metaphor...this prolific work has been called the SurrealReiter and is developing pretty rapidly, anyway enjoy the ride!

Site de l'artiste : http://www.poilvetcorentine.com/

Ville : New York

Nombres d'œuvres :

  • Peintures : 7
  • Photos : 0
  • Sculptures: 0
  • Dessins : 0
  • Autres : 0
  • Nombre Total d'œuvres : 7