Artiste : Artena

Biographie de l'artiste :

Hello everyone, my name is Artena. I am a new generation artist, all my works are produced on digital media and only with the hand or finger. I was born in the middle of the 90s, my affluence is directed towards the culture that made me grow up. My works are only represented in digital format because it takes up more and more space and one day will become the primary medium. my work can take several days or sometimes only a few hours. I sign all my work with the year. 95% of my works are in 4 pixel format and are saved in PNG format. they are unique and are encoded by digital certificate. Don't hesitate to contact me for any information.

Mail : Lui écrire

Ville : Paris

Nombres d'œuvres :

  • Peintures : 16
  • Photos : 0
  • Sculptures: 0
  • Dessins : 1
  • Autres : 0
  • Nombre Total d'œuvres : 17